Redcar & Cleveland Ambassadors need your help!
They have an on going aim to increase the number of Redcar & Cleveland Ambassadors, so far they have around 390 who have signed up so far.
One way they intend to increase numbers is to have periodic ‘SIGN-UP’ days.
Friday 7 February is the next SIGN UP date.
It would be amazing to hit 500 Ambassadors soon, and this focused day could help us get there, so your help would be really appreciated.
Signing up is QUICK, SIMPLE and FREE – it’ll take your colleagues and associates just a minute or two, completing the form on this webpage here.
There will also be posts on Ambassadors social media up to and including Friday 7th, so please share these posts on your profiles.
If we can get more Ambassadors signed up, that’s more people out there ‘talking up’ our great place; telling their friends, colleagues and potential investors why Redcar and Cleveland is such a great place to live, enjoy and do business.
That’s what being an Ambassador is mainly about: Talking the place up; sharing good news and coming to some of our events.
Find out more about the sign up day here.
Thanks to those Ambassadors who came to our last event, at the Steel Stories Exhibition, Kirkleatham Museum, in December.
We have lots of exciting things in the pipeline! What a year it’s going to be for Redcar and Cleveland, and our events in the first half of 2020 connect to these things.
Full details and invites to follow, but our events coming soon:
• Tour De Yorkshire – plans and involvement – end February/early March
• Flatts Lane Country Park – with new parks initiative in the focus – late April / early May
• Kirkleatham Walled garden – special event – June
We hope to see you at these events!