Event Details:
Date & Time: Thursday 6th February | 4pm-6pm
Location: Gateshead College, Baltic Business Centre, NE8 3BE
Join us!
As a business, you can gain huge benefits from engaging with a college or sixth form centre involved in the North East LEP College Hub – from recruiting young people through to shaping the knowledge and understanding of your future workforce
The Post-16 education landscape has undergone significant change recently.
You are invited to a North East LEP insight session focused on identifying business opportunities to support the Post-16 education offer and how your business can benefit in doing so.
With over 70,000 learners enrolled in Post-16 education, of which an incredible 25,000 are on 16-19 study programmes in the North East LEP area, you cannot afford to miss this session.
The North East LEP College Hub brings together nine further education colleges and two of the largest sixth form centres in the North East LEP area.
Refreshments on Arrival.
Aim of the session:
During the event you will:
Parking instructions:
There is paid parking opposite the college including a multi storey car park close by.
This project is supported by the European Social Fund (ESF).
The North East Ambition programme is receiving funding from the European Social Fund as part of the 2014-2020 European Structural and Investment Funds Growth Programme in England.
For more information click here.