Parker Bioscience Filtration – part of Parker Hannifin, the global leader in motion and control technologies – will participate in a major STEM event next month. A team from the Birtley site in County Durham, UK will be exhibiting at STEMFest Net Zero from July 4 to July 6, which will be held in Newcastle upon Tyne at St James’ Park and the Newcastle United Foundation’s NUCastle building.
Young people from North East England who are attending the event will gain an insight into the application of Parker’s engineering breakthroughs in Bioprocessing and Food and Beverage manufacture and learn about exciting career opportunities.
STEMFest Net Zero, which is being delivered by the North East STEM Hub in partnership with the Newcastle United Foundation, RTC and STEM Ambassador Hub North East, will see businesses from a range of sectors deliver interactive sessions relating to their industries, specifically in response to climate change and their plans to reach net zero by 2030. More than 3000 young people from North East England’s schools have been invited to attend the event.
Parker’s STEM ambassadors will host interactive filter demonstrations, explain the role of filtration in biopharmaceutical manufacturing and food and drink production, and set fun challenges for school pupils during the event. They will also show how process automation and single-use solutions can help manufacturers reduce their carbon footprints and become more efficient, in line with the UK’s drive to reach net zero.
Parker will be joining more than 40 organisations at the event, including Newcastle’s Life Science Centre, GSK and The Institution of Engineering and Technology.
Richard Purdy, Contracts Engineer and STEM ambassador at Parker Bioscience Filtration, said: “We’re very excited to be attending STEMFest Net Zero next month. The event presents us with a fantastic opportunity to engage with and inspire young people in North East England, and build awareness of our social responsibility around net zero.”
Purdy continued: “We believe that it’s vital to start conversations with young people about the exciting STEM careers that are available to them in this region and beyond, and show how STEM careers are accessible and open to all.
“We will also be providing an insight into the kind of roles that are undertaken at our Birtley site, and the ‘real world’ impact of our work, through our interactive sessions.”
For more information, please visit www.parker.com/bioscience
For more information on STEMFest Net Zero, visit https://stemfest.org.uk/
External URL: www.parker.com/bioscience
By Parker Bioscience