NEPIC Members in the #teesvalley and #northoftyne will be interested in reading the documents highlighted in the report below following the recent consultations with Industry by the North East England Chamber of Commerce as part of their LSIP work supported by Department for Education
The Chamber carried out various workshops, roundtables and events to provide businesses with the opportunity to speak up and skill up during the LSIPs consultation process.
By consulting with and articulating the skills needs of employers, the Chamber is creating a skills and training blueprint that meets the needs of businesses as well as the wider community.
Once approved, providers, such as colleges and private training providers, as well as funding bodies will be required to take account of the LSIPs when commissioning future courses and will be assessed by Ofsted on their adherence.
External URL: https://www.neechamber.co.uk/chamber-receives-government-approval-to-address-regions-skills-gaps/