The Engineering & Manufacturing Network are very proud and excited to invite you all to our very first full ONLINE conference – EMCONF.
Join us at 10am on 8th October for what promises to be a positive, informative and valuable insight for the manufacturing and engineering sector.
We have supported our businesses over the last few months in a wide range of activities to help you sustain and where possible grow, dealing with problems related to issues we have never seen before.
During this time we have of course decided to delay our EMCON exhibition until March next year but recognised the need to continue to support you in your future plans and ultimately help you to Drive Recovery in your own business.
We have been working behind the scenes identifying what is needed in our sector to cultivate this growth and subsequently created a morning that you will find both positive and beneficial.
The conference will consist of a keynote, a discussion between the North East and Tees Valley Local Enterprise Partnerships as to their part in supporting the recovery process and how the local authorities are driving regeneration and recovery in their own areas.
We will look at the future and pointing our businesses toward the horizon to create positive outcomes.
The morning will commence at 10am and conclude before 12pm.
There will also be opportunity to raise questions which will be fielded on the day.
We would of course also welcome such questions in advance so the presenters can address these in a more methodical manner – so please let us know your burning issues.
We are looking to create a meaningful annual event for the future of which we want you to be a part, so please do not miss out.
To join us please click the link below for more information and to register your attendance,