Axiom, as part of the Teesside Engineering Network (TEN), recently supported a call out for industry to donate any spare PPE to our NHS. Frustratingly, due to supply chain shortages we weren’t able to donate ourselves.
However, we did respond to a call out from Mark Elliot, who is Deputy Head of Engineering at Hartlepool College of Further Education.
Mark is one of a whole army of home ‘3D printer’ owners across the UK, who is busy printing off the plastic head bands pieces that form part of the protective visors. Where Mark was struggling, was for the clear plastic sheet to complete the visor.
We’ve been able to source these sheets and supply him with enough sheets to manufacture 300. This is an impressive tally as the turn out rate is ~ 12 per day and Mark has made 60 so far. These are to be used by North Tees and Hartlepool NHS Trust.
The Engineers amongst you will have noticed from the image that Mark has been able to ‘nest’ three of the head band components to improve production rates.
It costs about 80p to 3D print each visor, so we’ve also agreed to make a donation of £200 to help cover the cost of these items.
Well done to Mark and the College – we wish you every success in reaching your target!
By Axiom Engineering Associates