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iChemE Hazards 31 Virtual conference

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November 16, 2021 @ 8:00 am - November 18, 2021 @ 5:00 pm

Online Event |

8:00 am - 5:00 pm


NEPIC Event Image

Hazards 31 is an industry-focused event, ideal for anyone who is active in process safety and risk management for chemical process facilities or other facilities dealing with hazardous materials. It will share good practice, current thinking, latest innovation, and lessons learned in process safety and hazard management, and also explore some of the challenges and opportunities in process safety today.

Hazards 31 will be a fully interactive, virtual event, with plenty of opportunity for live engagement with the presenters and industry experts. All content will be available to view on-demand during and after the live event.

The programme features over 80 practical process safety presentations from industry practitioners, researchers and regulators, and strategic insight from plenary speakers. Session themes include Case Histories, Clean Technologies, Digitalisation, DSEAR, Fire and Explosion Hazards, Pressure Relief, Process Safety Competence, Safety Culture, Risk Assessment, Identifying and Embedding Good Practice, Lessons Learned from the COVID-19 Response, and many more.


Hazards 31 will share examples of good practice, new approaches and lessons learned in process safety, promoting a continuous focus on improving performance.

We will also be exploring some of the challenges and opportunities in process safety today:

  • Identifying and embedding good practice including the role of executive leadership, how to achieve engagement and common practice, and how to learn lessons from past incidents
  • How to embed the strategic learning from the COVID-19 response into process safety management
  • Process safety issues associated with climate change and decarbonisation technologies
  • Process safety opportunities and risks associated with digitalisation, big data, Artificial Intelligence, and cyber security
  • Cross sector learning opportunities for process safety and loss prevention professionals

Conference features

  • 80+ peer-reviewed presentations from industry practitioners, regulators and researchers
  • Plenary and invited speakers
  • Live Q&A and facilitated discussion sessions to help continue the conversation
  • On-demand access to all content
  • Virtual networking lounge
  • Virtual exhibition hall

Sponsorship and exhibition packages are available.


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  • © Copyright. North East of England Process Industry Cluster (NEPIC) 2015