Webinar delivered by B2B marketing specialists and NEPIC member Horizon Works.
Your digital presence is now more important than ever. Without seeing customers and prospects face to face at meetings, networking events or conferences, your website and digital communications are the windows through which people see your business. They represent your brand, are a key point of interaction and they help to sell your products and services – so it’s vital that they work effectively.
Horizon Works is facilitating this webinar which will help NEPIC members to understand where they can make quick changes to enhance their digital presence, and how they can bolster their digital marketing channels now to support growth in the future.
It will examine how a well thought through digital strategy can pay long term dividends – and will look at the importance of ensuring your business is seen in its best light online.
The session will cover:
This event is open to NEPIC Members & Supply Chain North East participants.
Supply Chain North East sees four key partners joining forces to work with over 800 businesses between 2018-2021 supporting businesses to identify opportunities in new and existing markets. An integral part of the North East Growth Hub, Supply Chain North East will be delivered across the region by RTC North, Generator, North East Automotive Alliance (NEAA) and North East Process Industry Cluster (NEPIC). Supply Chain North East is receiving up to £3,148,514 of funding from the England European Regional Development Fund as part of the European Structural and Investment Funds Growth Programme 2014-2020.
For more information, click here>>