The Coronavirus pandemic is still affecting a lot of businesses and it has been a challenging year for many. With the prospect of restrictions still being here in 2021, it’s no longer the case of adapting your strategy for short term changes, it’s about longer term planning with a clear focus on what you need to do to help sustain and grow your business.
In order to put your business in a more secure position, recover faster and build for the future, Horizon Works is running a series of short masterclasses focussing on the marketing essentials you need to put in place so that you can go into 2021 fighting fit.
The final masterclass in the series focuses on boosting your sales leads and how great campaign planning can help drive your revenues in 2021. Aligning marketing and sales strategies and combining objectives and campaigns together will be as important as ever. Implementing a joined-up strategy will give you the foundations for growth and help drive longer term success.
This session will focus on how you can achieve this. It will look at what tools and techniques you should put in place to ensure that both sales and marketing priorities are integrated, and your campaigns are targeted and focused on providing better results for your business.
The areas we will focus on are:
This event is open to NEPIC Members & Supply Chain North East Participants
Supply Chain North East sees four key partners joining forces to work with over 800 businesses between 2018-2021 supporting businesses to identify opportunities in new and existing markets. An integral part of the North East Growth Hub, Supply Chain North East will be delivered across the region by RTC North, Generator, North East Automotive Alliance (NEAA) and North East Process Industry Cluster (NEPIC). Supply Chain North East is receiving up to £3,148,514 of funding from the England European Regional Development Fund as part of the European Structural and Investment Funds Growth Programme 2014-2020.
For more information, click here>>