May 23, 2018
Partnership for Learning |
South Road, Speke
L24 9PZ
United Kingdom
8:30 am - 5:00 pm
The Bionow Pharma Manufacturing Conference is a one-day conference addressing the needs and requirements of pharma manufacturers who compete on the global stage.
The programme is being developed in conjunction with large pharma Members of Bionow to explore and address routes to efficiency, improved cost of goods, process development and the capabilities needed to exploit next generation technologies.
We are delighted to have Allergan, AstraZeneca, Elanco and Seqirus sponsoring the conference.
Through a combination of workshops, lecture and panel sessions, delegates will hear about and be able to contribute to the discussions in the key areas of:
Click here to view conference agenda>
The conference will explore the challenges and enablers for bio pharma manufacturing in the North and start a conversation through which the Northern manufacturing sites begin to collaborate on areas of common interest and to better influence academia and Government industrial strategy to support manufacturing in this sector.
The UK Pharma Industry is comprised of companies engaged in research, developing, manufacturing and distributing medicines for human use. New medicines have an enormous positive influence on global health, prosperity and economic productivity by saving life, increasing life spans, and shortening hospital stays. Advances in medicine have eliminated deadly diseases and have brought other life threatening conditions under control. Drug therapy is now an integral part of every facet of healthcare and new breakthroughs continue to revolutionise the treatment of non-communicable diseases.
The impact of the North’s life sciences sector is significant, as the private sector alone employs more than 40,000 people across 1,100 Northern life science companies (25% of the UK total). Combined these companies exported £7.3bn worth of medicinal and pharmaceutical products in 2015 equating to 44.7% of UK exports in this category (HMRC 2016). The sector is therefore vitally important to the Northern economy as well as the wider UK.
Premium Member: £125.00 + VAT
Member: £155.00 + VAT
Non-Member: £199.00 + VAT
To discuss details of sponsorship and exhibition opportunities available at the conference please contact Helen Williams at