December 11, 2019 @ 8:30 am - December 12, 2019 @ 5:00 pm
Manchester Conference Centre |
M1 3BB
United Kingdom
8:30 am - 5:00 pm
Pumping Systems 2019 will provide you with the best practice in component management needed to increase the efficiency in your pumping systems, thereby reducing cost and raising productivity. Through recent case studies from the water and oil and gas industries, as well as expert insights from cross-sector professionals, you will improve your capabilities in both pump selection and management, within the context of the efficiency of the wider system.
You will improve your pump effectiveness by learning how to apply up-to-the-minute thinking right across the lifecycle, from the latest design strategies through to real-time condition monitoring and maintenance tools. Moreover, you will discover how to make the most of the developments in Industry 4.0, including intelligent pumps, to make the correct component maintenance decisions.
Over the two days you will have ample opportunity to meet and network with representatives from cross-sector operators, OEMs, tier one engineering consultancies, condition monitoring experts and other pump professionals to discuss and debate winning strategies to optimise pump efficiency.
Hear best practice from key players in the pumping industry including Yorkshire Water, Grundfos Pumps, Torishima Europe Ltd, ABB, Atkins, Wood Group, SEEPEX and Severn Trent
-Gain insight into the growth of the use of condition monitoring technologies and how to use them to improve efficiency
-Hear about cutting-edge pump designs to improve the performance of your pump
-Learn about the latest vibration monitoring techniques to ensure your rotating equipment has maximum capability
-Network with pump design, operations, performance and maintenance engineers as well as wider systems and plant managers, and monitoring and modelling experts
Yorkshire Water and Pumps & Systems Ltd share a joint case study on considering the pump within the system as a whole, for greater efficiency
-Black & Veatch discuss the development of a digital twin for Anglian Water’s strategic pipeline
-Torishima Europe Ltd share findings from their use of IOT/Industry 4.0 and ‘intelligent’ pumps
-ABB highlight the importance of analysis of the electrical and mechanical interactions in a pumping system
-SEEPEX reveal how monitoring and advanced analytics are used to optimise total cost of ownership
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