The NEPIC Directory > FLEXIM Instruments UK Ltd

FLEXIM Instruments UK Ltd

FLEXIM Instruments UK Ltd provides reliable, bi-directional noninvasive flow measurement solutions for almost every liquid (and gas) type, from hydrocarbons and chemicals to water, refrigerants, glycol and even compressed air. Easy retro-fit installation and commissioning on existing pipes without the need for pipeline process shutdowns. FLEXIM’s clamp-on flow meters are highly accurate, repeatable and cost effective for retrofit on pipes from 10mm – 6m diameter and on all pipe materials, e.g. glass, plastic, carbon steel, exotic alloys, etc. Permanent solid transducer coupling and zero mechanically moving parts make these meters a virtually maintenance-free flow measurement solution on process from -190°C to + 580°C.

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Non-intrusive flow measurement enhances chemical park operations

FLEXIM Instruments UK Ltd

The efficient and cost-effective supply of energy is crucial for the chemical industry. At the chemical park of a leading industrial service provider in Knapsack, Germany, being able to ensure a reliable supply of steam, alongside other resources like electricity,…

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Boosting chemical production efficiency with clamp-on ultrasonic flow measurement

FLEXIM Instruments UK Ltd

Clamp-on ultrasonic flow measurement represents a significant technological advancement in the monitoring and control of liquid flows within industrial pipes. This method is particularly beneficial in industries dealing with corrosive or highly sensitive materials, such as the chemical industry. By…

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The future of flow measurement in industry

FLEXIM Instruments UK Ltd

Clamp-on ultrasonic flow measurement technology represents a significant advancement in the monitoring and management of fluid flow within various industrial processes. This non-intrusive technique involves attaching ultrasonic transducers to the outside of the pipeline, and by emitting ultrasonic signals through…

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Revolutionary flow measurement solutions in experimental reactor processes

FLEXIM Instruments UK Ltd

In the field of industrial processing, the need for precise and adaptable flow measurement technologies is paramount for the development, testing, and optimisation of various operations. A leading process engineering company recently showcased the effectiveness of clamp-on ultrasonic flow measurement…

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Accurate fiscal 3 bar steam measurement reduces utility spend

FLEXIM Instruments UK Ltd

Non-invasive, clamp-on ultrasonic flow measurement is transforming the way that the chemical industry monitors and manages utility services. Once considered an almost insurmountable measuring task for clamp-on flowmeters, this innovative technology is accurately and reliably measuring steam without interrupting normal…

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Clamp-on ultrasonic flowmeters take on polyamide 12 flow measurement challenge

FLEXIM Instruments UK Ltd

Polyamide 12 is a high-performance plastic used in a variety of industries, from oil and gas production, to automotive, medical technology, and 3D printing. The production process involves several stages, beginning with the hydrocarbon compound butadiene and ending with the…

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+44 (0) 1606 781 420

Theatre Court, London Road, Northwich, Cheshire, CW9 5HB

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