This workshop has been proposed as a part of the dissemination and future project co-ordination between UK and India. Current collaboration with India is funded by the Royal Society London, the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MEITY) and the CMET, Lab in Pune.
The international project is funded via the Royal Society Collaboration under the GCRF Scheme for supporting the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).
Within SDG the two goals on “Clean Water and Sanitation” and “Responsible Consumption and Production” are directly connected with the ongoing research theme and it is the goal of the workshop to develop these two themes for Global Water Solution in the years to come, especially for the population living between the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn.
Harvesting natural resources at low cost for making water available for everyone requires innovation.
For this reason our goal is to harvest abundant sun’s energy in the tropics for processing and purifying water via energy management. Our goal is to also understand the “Circular Economy of Water” for recycling and reuse so that the natural resources are not unduly exhausted.
External URL: https://eps.leeds.ac.uk/events-conferences/doc/sustainable-technology-water-purification
By University of Bradford