Are you looking to save your business time and money by making processes paperless and operations more efficient?
We deliver an efficient and easy to use online site induction platform that will transform your business and onboarding process!
The Calm Inductions platform was originally created over five years ago, when our parent company, Calm Digital, understood that there was a demand for online induction software. The digital induction platform was initially developed as a product, however, over recent years we have found that the commercial market is increasingly looking for efficient business solutions, including online inductions for all industries.
With bespoke inductions and advanced features, our platform transforms your business and onboarding process, saving you valuable time and money!
Want to find out more about the benefits of Calm Inductions? Get in touch with our team or request a demo from our website!
Email: info@calminductions.com
Phone: 01642 903030
Website: www.calminductions.com/request-demo
By Calm Inductions