Rural transport and mobility presents huge issues around availability, reliability, choice and cost.
Do you want to be part of the solution?
We are working with transport experts, researchers and innovators to design new solutions for rural mobility.
The next step is to turn these solutions into live products and services, which could be launched through businesses, social enterprises and community groups.
On Thursday 26th March, we’ll be presenting solutions concepts for you to be the first to review and decide if you want to be involved in making them a reality. Through intensive support, grant funding and access to expertise, we’ll work with selected teams to help them launch new products and services targeted at this challenge.
Our focus is on how rural communities can gain better access to work, education, healthcare and leisure, all of which are limited by mobility issues.
External URL: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/rural-movement-and-mobility-design-sprint-solution-presentations-tickets-96623961871
By Innovation SuperNetwork