We are Jackson Hogg and have been NEPIC members for years but have not utilised the members hub, so we wanted to take this opportunity to re-introduce ourselves.
Jackson Hogg is a leading specialist recruitment and outsourced people services partner focusing on Science, Technology, Engineering and Manufacturing industries.
Our team of discipline-led experts provide high quality, innovative recruitment and people services solutions to organisations seeking to find, train and retain exceptional talent across all functions. Many of our experts are experts because they have worked in the industry they represent, meaning they have a great understanding of the industry, role and have an excellent network to attract talent.
The recruitment service we offer is different from most other recruitment companies. We are not the typical CV pushers trying to fill a role as quickly as possible. We care about candidates and clients, their careers, reputations and our business and people, and aim to meet all our candidates face to face. We recognise the importance of the work we do and how this impacts people’s lives- therefore we always strive for excellence.
Jackson Hogg isn’t all about recruitment, we offer an array of people service including outsourced HR, marketing and our unique Talent Partnership services.
We offer a personal and tailored service that ensures you secure the right people for your organisation for the long term.
NEPIC is an excellent platform for connect our amazing process industry and we hope our membership will enhance your company with our service and advise.
Keep your eyes peeled for upcoming posts detailing pointers on attracting and retaining talent and more details about our services in the coming weeks. If you would like to know more about our services please don’t hesitate to get in touch with me via phone or email.
Zoe McLone
+44 (0)7869768652
Or visit our website www.jacksonhogg.com
By Jackson Hogg