PMT (GB) Ltd has become BWT’s UK & Ireland distributor for for their Aqu@sense Microbial Monitor.
BWT is an Austrian manufacturing company of water treatment systems with its headquarters in Mondsee. BWT Pharma & Biotech is an integrated corporate division in the BWT Group. The focus lies solely on ultra-pure media supplies for the pharma, biotech and cosmetics industries. State-of-the-art technologies, efficient systems and wide-ranging services ensure safety throughout the lifecycle of the product.
Purified water has many uses throughout the biologics, pharmaceutical, and medical device industries – from cleaning equipment after manufacturing, to heating and cooling for sterilization and sanitization, to providing the base constituent of life-sustaining therapies. Because of the many uses for highly purified water, the Aqu@Sense system, is a Rapid Microbial Detection system for pharmaceutical grade waters. The flexibility of this instrument allows you to take immediate action when an excursion happens, rather than waiting for five days to get your plate results.
The BWT AQU@Sense MB is an automated flow cytometer specifically adapted for the continuous monitoring of bacteria in low nutrient water. The BWT AQU@Sense MB improves safety and promotes process control and understanding compared to the traditional plate counting.
Flow cytometry is a batch process in which the sample is mixed with a DNA specific fluorescent stain. After an incubation period the sample flows through a thin capillary where a laser induces fluorescence in the DNA bound stain. The fluorescent activity and the side scatter (SSC) are recorded for each cell and particle. Inorganic particles are not counted, as no fluorescent stain is bound to them.
The AQU@Sense MB has two operating modes. It can be permanently installed at a measuring point to automatically record the microbiological quality of critical utilities at regular intervals. Alternatively, manual grab samples from multiple sample points can be analysed by a single AQU@Sense MB. Action can be taken immediately, if your set limits are exceeded. Promptly. Not after five days, as before.
External URL: https://www.pmtgb.com/products/microbiological-monitoring/microbiological-monitoring-systems/bwt-aqusense/
By PMT (GB) Limited