WEBINAR – Application of morphological group classifications to interpret, evaluate and predict the flowability performance of metal powder in additive manufacturing.
March 14, 2023 | 16:30 – 17:30 CET | Virtual
Ehsan Rahimi, a Senior Researcher at the Materials Processing Institute will be presenting the research he is leading at the Institute focused on metal powder characterisation. This is a continuation of the work on morphological evaluation of metal powder to predict performance in powder bed additive manufacturing, presented at World PM 2022, with a supporting paper co-authored by Adam Hunt and Xinjiang Hao, both from Liberty Powder Metals Ltd.
In this webinar the Material Processing Institute’s advanced analytical capabilities in powder characterisation will be discussed and demonstrated along with how this can be applied to benefit industry.
About the webinar
Physical and chemical properties of metal powder determine its flowability performance in the powder bed fusion process. Size distribution and morphology are of the well-known physical parameters presenting the powder quality for additive manufacturing. As the AM industry moves forward, the need for versatile methodologies facilitating ranking the input materials is becoming more important. The Materials Processing Institute aims to develop such methodologies for correlating size and morphology to flowability performance of virgin and reused powder. This approach provides the powder and part manufacturers with an efficient decision-making on their input materials.
Within the last few years, some in-house definitions were applied to classify the metal powder into morphological groups using Malvern Morphologi 4. Each morphological group was defined using single or multiple standard geometrical descriptors. The developed methodology was verified in practice, and a robust correlation was found between distribution of the group classifications and the flowability parameters. The outcomes were also assessed against the mechanical testing of the AM pieces. Such methodologies can be utilised for other materials such as cement, ceramic and polymer powder.
Who should join the webinar?
The presentation and discussion will particularly benefit organisations using additive manufacturing to produce parts themselves or through third parties, organisations supplying powder materials for use in the additive manufacturing process, and organisations involved in testing or analysing materials used in the additive manufacturing process.
External URL: https://www.mpiuk.com/news-details.php?news_id=443
By Materials Processing Institute