A North East council has announced that it is moving forward with regeneration projects as it submits a £7m bid to the government.
Redcar & Cleveland Borough Council has reported that progress is being made on “major” projects in the borough such as Loftus High Street, The Regent Cinema and Kirkleatham Walled Garden.
The council will be submitting a £7m bid to the government’s Future High Streets Fund. If successful, the council would have around £11m dedicated to the project through a package of funding.
Councillor Wayne Davies, cabinet member for economic development at Redcar & Cleveland Borough Council, commented:
“The initial outbreak of coronavirus meant that much of the council’s efforts were focussed on ensuring the health and safety of our residents and making sure their frontline services were unaffected.
“For our regeneration programme, we have had to reassess our plans for the post-Covid19 world to see what restrictions this ‘new normal’ could bring.
“The pandemic has certainly brought its challenges, but we are adapting our plans and we are as committed as ever to delivering exciting and ambitious regeneration projects for our residents and visitors.
“Much of the work has continued behind the scenes, such as consultation work and funding bids, so we could move forward with our capital programme as soon as restrictions allowed.
“The level of investment by the council and other key partners in the borough is unprecedented in recent years and it is crucial for our local economy and our residents that we press-ahead with the programme as we make our way into the recovery period.”
Credit: BDaily