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Tees Valley Combined Authority aim to have a geographical spread across Tees Valley as well as the Priority Sectors, as demand is likely to be high there is no guarantee that all applications will be successful. All applications will be considered subject to available funding.
This grant is only available for Apprentices starting their employment on or after 18th June 2020.
Tees Valley Combined Authority supports the creation of Apprenticeships in the Tees Valley areas of Darlington, Hartlepool, Middlesbrough, Redcar & Cleveland and Stockton-on-Tees.
The support is designed to assist employers who are committed to creating new Apprenticeships.
Apprentices must start their employment on or after 18th June 2020, the Apprenticeship training must be provided by a training provider approved by the Education & Skills Funding Agency (ESFA).
The Grant supports SME’s who create Apprenticeships in sectors facing high demand and growth from employers as identified in the Tees Valley Strategic Economic Plan.
The Priority Sectors being supported by the Grant are:
- Advanced Manufacturing
- Process, Chemicals and Energy
- Logistics
- Health and Biologics
- Digital and Creative
- Business and Professional Services
- Construction
- Health Care
- Culture and Leisure
- Education
- The New Employer Grant for Apprenticeships is available for small to medium businesses (249 or less employees, across all work sites) from Priority Sectors who employ a new Apprentice aged 16-20 working towards a recognised qualification from the Apprenticeship Standards or Frameworks.
- Apprentices must be Aged 16- 20 – 100% of wages for the first 6 months of employment (salary costs only), for a minimum of 30 hours per week up to a maximum of 40 hours per week at National Minimum Wage (NMW), followed by 50% of wages only, up to a maximum of 40 hours per week at NMW for the remainder of the Apprenticeship employment, up to a maximum of 2 years.
Apprentices must start their employment within 30 days following confirmation the application is eligible.
- The initial incentive payment of 3 months wages, excluding on costs will be paid following confirmation the application is eligible and the contract of employment has been received, subsequent payments, excluding on costs will be made on a monthly basis following on from receipt of the previous months Apprentices wage slips.
- Any employer ineligible for this grant is not excluded from any other relevant apprenticeship support offered by Tees Valley Combined Authority.
Please Note
Tees Valley Combined Authority will determine if your company falls within one of our identified priority sectors.
The eligibility criteria and payment process laid out in the guidance may be revised at any time by Tees Valley Combined Authority. Any changes will be updated on our website and existing employers will be informed of any revisions which may affect their application.
In the first instance employers are only able to apply for one grant for one apprentice.
New Employer Grant for Apprenticeships will only be payable if:
- The Application Form for a grant has been submitted for a new Apprentice employee to the business and is a resident in Tees Valley;
- The Apprentice has commenced employment within 30 days of eligibility being confirmed;
- The Apprentice is paid the National Minimum Wage for their age (this is not the National Apprenticeship Minimum Wage
- The Apprentice undertakes appropriate Apprenticeship learning at Level 2 (intermediate) or Level 3 (advanced) working towards a recognised qualification from the approved Apprenticeship Frameworks or Standards related to their role; and is confirmed and evidenced by the Apprenticeship Training Provider upon registration of training;
- The business must fall into one of the identified Priority Sectors, Tees Valley Combined Authority will determine if your business falls into one of the identified Priority Sectors;
an upfront initial payment of 3 months in advance will be paid upon commencement of employment and receipt of the signed contract of employment;
- Subsequent payments will be made on a monthly basis from month 4, once employment has been evidenced by a previous months wage slip, submitted to Tees Valley Combined Authority
How to Apply
The New Employer Grant for Apprenticeships Application Form is available to download on the website all applications must be returned via e-mail, postal applications will not be considered at this time.
Please use our postcode checker first to see if you could be eligible to apply.
The employer is required to return a completed Application Form and De-Minimis Aid Declaration to the Claims & Monitoring Team at Tees Valley Combined Authority.
The Claims & Monitoring Team will acknowledge receipt and the application will then be assessed against the eligibility criteria.
All employers will be contacted by the Claims & Monitoring Team to advise on the status of their application within 10 working days.
To apply for the New Employer Grant for Apprenticeships please fully complete the Application Form and De Minimis Aid Declaration and send to :
If you have any queries, please contact the team on 01642 527985.
Full details here.
By Tees Valley Combined Authority