Network-H2 is the EPSRC funded network to maximise the impact of UK-funded research and innovation.
The Network organises conferences, seminars, workshops and funding calls in order to advance the knowledge and understanding of hydrogen fuelled transportation.
This webinar is the next in our series of seminars featuring speakers from industry and academia exploring the the deployment of Hydrogen within Rail Transportation.
Chaired by Dr Roberto Palacin, Senior academic leading the Railway Systems area at NewRail as part of Newcastle University’s Future Mobility Research Group
We will welcome two speakers from Network Rail and Siemens
Steven Hart, Lead Strategic Planner, Network Rail will present “The application of Hydrogen in rail traction”.
Steven joined Network Rail in 2013, following the completion of a Master’s degree in Programme and Project Management at Warwick University. After time spent in Capital Delivery, he is now the Lead Strategic Planner for Freight and Network Strategy within NR’s System Operator function. Steven has principally spent the last two and half years leading the delivery of the Traction Decarbonisation Network Strategy.
Paul Baines, Sales Director, Siemens Mobility Limited, Rolling Stock
Paul has led the commercial and bid development teams within Siemen’s for the past ten years. Prior to this he also spent time with Turner and Townsend, Cleveland Bridge and Tolent.
Book your place using the link below:
External URL: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/network-h2-webinar-hydrogen-uses-in-rail-transportation-tickets-161742918423
By Durham University