Join forces with other North East companies to understand what net zero means for businesses.
Don’t miss your chance to join a Net Zero Peer Network group and find out how reducing carbon emissions can give your business a competitive advantage.
Applications close for the final time on Friday 14 January.
Sign up to Peer Networks here. >>
In 2019 the UK became the first major economy in the world to pass laws to end its contribution to global warming by 2050.
As the deadline for meeting our ambitious Net Zero target draws closer, all businesses have a part to play in reducing their own carbon emissions. And, increasingly, businesses will be required to show they have a carbon reduction plan in order to bid for tender opportunities.
If you don’t have a plan in place, there’s still time to join a Net Zero Peer Network and begin your net zero journey. Applications must close on Friday 14 January.
As well as giving you access to experts in business growth and experts in reducing carbon emissions, the network will explore how joining the drive to achieve Net Zero can help your business to:
“The reality is that businesses that don’t start showing they’re reducing emissions will be locked out of contracts and tender processes. Already, the government has set a requirement for all suppliers bidding for central government contracts worth more than £5million to commit to achieving net zero.”
Colin Bell, Business and Sector Growth Director at the North East Local Enterprise Partnership.
Don’t let your business get left behind in the race to achieve Net Zero – click the button below to get started.
Sign up to Peer Networks here. >>