Measurement for Recovery: NPL-led programme to help boost competitiveness and resilience
The National Physical Laboratory (NPL) has announced the new, Measurement for Recovery (M4R) programme, helping innovative UK companies to invest and grow post COVID-19 lockdown.
Measurement for Recovery will allow NPL, along with partner National Measurement Laboratories to support UK industry with access to cutting-edge specialist solutions through our science and engineering expertise and facilities to support projects, at no charge.
What is Measurement for Recovery (M4R)
Measurement for Recovery aims to help boost productivity and competitiveness in UK industry, drive innovation and help UK companies meet the challenges they face as they return to work. Scheduled to run until the end of 2020, M4R will enable up to 400 businesses to gain access to world leading expert scientists and engineers from NPL and partner National Measurement Laboratories*.
The Measurement for Recovery programme seeks to help solve analysis or measurement issues that cannot be resolved using standard technologies and techniques. The aim is to help boost resilience and competitiveness by bringing together the UK’s top scientists and facilities with companies, to address problems in innovative ways.
For full details of the programme and how to apply visit the NPL website.
Measurement for Recovery allows successful applicants to access up to 20 days’ worth of advice and facilities to solve problems for industry, examples of which include:
• Provide measurement and analysis expertise
• Investigate the feasibility of concepts, and validate products and processes
• Support new products and services which directly support the national response to COVID-19
• Help cost reduction or improve productivity
• Increase product reliability and mitigation of in-service costs
• Offer advice on standards and regulatory needs
How to apply
Measurement for Recovery is available to all registered UK companies who are within their de minimis allocation.
Organisations that meet the criteria can provide details online, including an outline of the challenge to be addressed.
If you are looking for support and you think M4R can help meet your business needs, find out more and apply online.
*Led by NPL, the Measurement for Recovery programme enables participants to access the specialist expertise across the UK National Measurement Laboratories – LGC, NIBSC, TUV-NEL, NGML.
External URL: https://www.npl.co.uk/measurement-for-recovery?utm_campaign=M4R&utm_source=Affiliates&utm_medium=General&utm_content=Launch