Attend the formal launch of the International Chamber of Commerce United Kingdom’s Centre for Digital Trade and Innovation (C4DTI) – read more on the centre here.
Wednesday 8 March 2023, 11.45 – 14.00
The Curve, Teesside University, Middlesbrough, Campus, Southfield Road TS1 3JN
To register your attendance please email Thobie Nyirongo via tnyirongo@iccwbo.uk
The ceremony will be attended by Mr Ben Houchen, Mayor of Teesside and a minister from the Department of International Trade has been invited.
Inaugurated in April 2022, the C4DTI has been established in Teesside after receiving seedcorn funding from the Tees Valley Combined Authority with the strong and personal support of the Mayor. The Centre has also benefited hugely from the resource provided to it by the University of Teesside through its Pro Vice-Chancellor for Enterprise and Knowledge Exchange, Professor Craig Gaskell, and its other partners — the Institute of Export and International Trade, Plexal PLC, Deloitte, Womble Bond Dickinson, the British Chambers of Commerce and Teesport.
Since we started, with strong support from ministers in Cabinet Office and the Department of International Trade, the Centre has already made an impact on the digitalisation of international trade, developing a pilot programme with Singapore and preparing the way for the UK to make the most of the opportunity presented by the forthcoming passage by parliament of the Electronic Trade Documents Bill.
While it is funded by, and located in, the Tees Valley, the Centre is established as a national resource and facility for the use of all those interested in the encouragement of trade into and out of the UK — from the largest multinational to the smallest SME which may be considering venturing into international markets for the first time.
On the day, there will be an opportunity not only to meet those involved in the running and future plans for the Centre, but to hear about its work first hand and indeed to feed in your ideas for its upcoming activities and priorities.
11.45 Arrival and assembly
12.00 Welcome and addresses, and roundtable discussion/ panel discussion with:
– Nick Davies, C4DTI Director
– Ben Houchen, Mayor of Teesside
– Craig Gaskell, Pro Vice-Chancellor, Teesside University
– John Carroll, Chair of the C4DTI Board and Head of International and Transactional Banking, Santander
13.00 Buffet lunch at The Curve
13.30 Brief introduction to the Teesside University Innovation Hub and the C4DTI/ Tees Valley Combined Authority 5G Testbed Pilot
14.00 Close
To register your attendance please email Thobie Nyirongo via tnyirongo@iccwbo.uk