In my experience, most businesses don’t. But don’t fret, there’s an easier way.
What you can learn from the article:
♦ Why Environmental legislation is not meant to be simple
♦ How to make it easy for you
♦ Ensuring Compliance – Where to Start?
♦ How to manage your compliance
In Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland, access to environmental legislation is easy, it’s centralised, and it’s made simple for businesses.
In England, it’s much trickier to access and understand.
This is why many businesses work with companies like Imvelo Ltd – Environmental Consultants, so that we can take the raw legislation, decipher it, and figure out which parts apply to their operations.
Then we package this information into what is known as a legal register.
External URL: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/tamma-carel_compliance-environment-environmentalconsulting-activity-6871748970213863424-HHAq
By Imvelo