You’ll see there that this is a fantastic opportunity to learn about what’s happening in the world of process automation and control.
It’s your chance to hear from practitioners with in-depth experience of the traditional process control sectors and to find out how automation will change the process industries.
Whether your focus is emerging technologies, cyber security, sustainability or business integration you’ll find something useful here.
The conference will provide a focus for promoting learning and practice in the application of IoT technologies, big data analytics and machine learning in the process manufacturing sector and an opportunity to develop professional networks for new entrants into the field.
Brian Parsonnet, CTO and Founder, Seeq- Addressing the Practical Challenges of Process Analytics
David Strobhar, Founder, Beville Engineering- Automation: Extinction Event or Evolutionary Force for Plant Operators?
Nic Butcher, HM Specialist Inspector (Electrical, Control & Cyber Security), HSE- Cyber Security: the Regulator’s Perspective
Professor Jonathan Love, Imperial College- Practising What I Preach
Attendees will go home equipped to deliver the most effective use of automation technologies at their workplace and to take advantage of the potential and promise of ‘smart manufacturing’ in the process sector.
Monday 18th November- Wednesday 20th November 2o19
11 Portland Street, Manchester, M1 3HU
Mark your calendar and don’t miss this great opportunity.
Check out the full event programme here.
Book your place here.
Email: advances@icheme.org | 01788 578214