User Benefits:
-Food Manufacturing
-Food Safety
-Car Manufacturing
-Water Analysis
-Plastic Production
Bisphenols and in particular Bisphenol A (BPA) have been used within plastics since the 1950’s. BPA is commonly thought of within food and drink containers, however, Bisphenols in general have a much wider usage within society. Bisphenols are now being found in milk, water, in plastic production or manufacturing of cars etc.
The use of bisphenols has been heavily criticized within modern times due to health risks associated with the compounds. Bisphenols are now being linked to negative health effects in the brain, prostrate, fetuses and young children. Current studies are looking into possible links of bispenols and hormone fluctuation levels, blood pressure changes, tyoe 2 diabetes and even heart disease.
The increase in public knowledge regarding BPA led to lots of products being classed as ‘BPA free’, however, in return, these mostly substituted BPA for BPS. More information is being gathered on water and airborne bisphenols from less likely places. These include:
-Food containers such as cans and coffee cups
-Drinking bottles, single use and reusable
-Microwave meals as heating plastics increases the BPA within foods
-Baby bottles
-Drinking water
-Feminine hygiene products
-Thermal paper such as receipts
-Dental fillings
-Cosmetics as microplastics
-Car fluid such as brake fluid
-Car body work and car interiors such as headlights and dashboards
It is for these reasons that this application note has been generated to produce a fast and reliable method for 8 major bisphenol compounds and 6 bisphenol adduct compounds.
This is in keeping with the guideline for the European limitsfor all bisphenols by 2026 (REACh Annex XVII). Here, BPA, BPS and BPF are the main vision, with others looking to follow.
Data was generated on Shimadzu’s i-Series 2060C 3D.
Download your copy of the application note to see more.
By Shimadzu UK