We’ve teamed up with Northstar Ventures to bring a package of online tools and advice for North East SME’s looking to raise finance for their business.
The package starts with a webinar on 30th June which includes a live Q&A with investors, expert advice on cash flow during COVID-19, and tips on alternative types of funding available.
Sign up for this below.
As an attendee to the webinar, you will be invited to a free online pitch training session on 1st July.
This will help perfect your presentation when meeting with funders.
Register your interest by emailing jenny@supernetwork.org.uk
We are also working with our partners to bring you a video library of funding advice you can watch on our website.
As joint event partners, registration details will be shared with Northstar Ventures for the sole purpose of this event.
Please email hello@supernetwork.org.uk for more information on this.
External URL: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZwod-mhrD0rGdNVBMdf5otxAsV936O3UnWZ
By Innovation SuperNetwork