Choose Medico Training Solutions for all your first aid requirements – Our primary business is First Aid Training, we offer both the 1-day Emergency First Aid at Work course, this is relevant for companies who have staff working in low-risk areas such as offices etc. We also offer the 3-day First Aid at Work which is suggested for companies who have staff working in high-risk areas such as construction and industry.
There are also variations of the above such as:
2-day requalification
Defibrillation classes
Paediatric First Aid
Anaphylaxis training
Mental Health First Aid
Coaching & Mentoring
Stop the bleed (catastrophic haemorrhage) training.
What makes us different?
We only use military veteran doctors, nurses, and paramedics, this guarantees a quality service with trainers that have experience in dealing with the unexpected.
We use real-world scenarios tailored to the work environment and delivered on-site.
We are a local company based in Teesside and specialise in industry and construction, are current clients include Strabag Mining services and Port Homes.
We also offer these added extras free to our clients:
1-hour top-up training every year
24/7 helpline for anyone affected by a first aid incident.
Please email us for further information info@medicotrainingsolutions.co.uk
External URL: https://medicotrainingsolutions.co.uk/
By Medico Training Solutions Ltd