Circular Economy Seminar – 14th December 2022
Organised by: Materials Processing Institute
The Materials Processing Institute is pleased to announce the first in a series of seminars on subjects linked to the challenges presented by the transition to Net Zero.
Date – 14th December 2022
Time – 12:15pm – 3:00pm
Venue: Materials Processing Institute
Registration and Buffet Lunch – 12:15pm – 1:00pm
Presentations – 1:00pm – 3:00pm
This seminar will focus on the Circular Economy and will comprise of the following four presentations:
1. An Introduction to the Circular Economy
Dr Lucy Smith, Group Manager, Circular Economy, will provide an overview of the Circular Economy and how the Institute is implementing Industrial Symbiosis and other strategies to support the Foundation Industries and their supply chains.
2. Recovery of Zinc from Iron and Steelmaking By-products
Dr Tutu Sebastian, Senior Researcher in the Institute’s Circular Economy Group, will discuss how the Institute is researching the removal of zinc from iron and steelmaking by-products to support a circular economy.
3. Lithium-ion Battery Recycling
Chris Smith, Technical Collaborator in the Institute’s Circular Economy Group, will discuss the process of Lithium-ion Battery Recycling and the research being undertaken by the Institute to make this process as environmentally friendly as possible.
4. An Introduction to PRISM
Joe Lee, Project Manager of PRISM, the Institute’s Programme of Research and Innovation for the UK Steels and Metal Sector, will discuss the various grant funding available to those looking to invest in innovation.
BOOK YOUR PLACE – Price £30.00+VAT
REGISTER HERE – https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/circular-economy-seminar-tickets-468265373337
For further details or enquiries contact Mike Cratchley on Tel. No. 01642 382033 M: 07825 856932 or email mike.cratchley@mpiuk.com
External URL: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/circular-economy-seminar-tickets-468265373337
By Materials Processing Institute