Teesside firm secures £500k NPIF II funding to boost new contract win
17 Jan 2025
Read more >If so, Newcastle University’s ERDF-funded Arrow programme could help you along the way.
The University is home to 2,500 researchers working across many technology and subject areas.
The Arrow programme offers a low-risk, and FREE way for eligible SMEs to develop a working relationship with them and tap-in to their expert knowledge.
Short projects will deliver immediately useful insight to your innovation project, and in testing the relationship you will have confidence in the value of continuing to collaborate with Newcastle University.
Arrow has already supported over fifty North East SMEs to work with Newcastle University experts.
The Arrow programme also has funds to help you buy the innovation service or equipment you need from other providers, providing up to £10,000 in 50% match funding.
To start a conversation and find out how Arrow might help SMEs based in the North East, see go.ncl.ac.uk/arrow
To contact the Arrow team email arrow.admin@newcastle.ac.uk or call 0191 208 5488
By Newcastle University