The effects of climate change are already visible around the world and is having a significant impact on our local businesses. These effects are being felt by our residents as well as our businesses and they are impacting upon local economic growth. It’s clear that sustainable, efficient solutions are required to reduce both costs and carbon emissions.
The effects of climate change have compelled governments to act. Catalysed by the Paris agreement, governments around the world are putting policies in place to limit the global rise in temperatures to 2C, and preferably as close to 1.5C as possible. The actions undertaken by individual countries will deliver a collective transition to a low-carbon economy. But this transition brings its own risks. Carbon emissions must decline by 45% from 2010 levels over the next decade in order to reach net zero by 2050. This requires international, national and local responses.
We would, therefore, like to invite you to help us in our cause. We think that there is strength in a coalition which agrees to come together, to agree priorities and to make a pledge for the future. We may not be able to solve every issue but by collaborating, raising awareness and delivering individual actions we can start to make a difference. We do not have preconceived ideas or any unreasonable expectations, we appreciate that everyone has their individual commitments and that a rationale for action is not always shared.
This coalition would be about rallying leadership and support from local businesses; to mobilise others to act towards a resilient, zero carbon economy that creates good quality and inclusive jobs towards sustainable growth. This could include:
• Helping businesses prepare for and adapt to changes, and to be more sustainable.
• Understanding how businesses can play their part and the impact that will have on the planet and society.
• Acknowledging that their commitments and those of small businesses can make a real difference.
• Realising the business benefits, such as cutting energy and transport costs, meeting environmental regulations, attracting new customers and investors, helping those in their supply chain to meet new targets, and attracting and retaining employees.
We propose to bring together representatives from local businesses to discuss how we can work towards a net zero Borough, and would like to know if this is something your business would support? Once we have established the level of local interest, we will bring everyone together to hold an initial meeting.
Please email environmentalstrategy@stockton.gov.uk to register your interest by and we will be in touch soon afterwards with details of the initial meeting.
By Stockton on Tees Borough Council