NEPIC has today (Monday 13 July) submitted its response to the Government’s Freeport consultation on behalf of Teesside’s Integrated Chemical Industry
NEPIC’s submission was based on interviews with senior executives from sixteen member companies, mostly located in the existing chemical parks clustered around the river Tees. The majority represent large multinational manufacturers. The views in this submission are those of these companies.
Our response is not intended to be a detailed economic assessment, rather a high level feedback on the Government’s Freeports Consultation: Boosting Trade, Jobs and Investment Across the UK.
NEPIC’s chief executive, Philip Aldridge, said:
“The feedback about a potential Freeport from the integrated chemical industry on Teesside was overwhelmingly positive. All members consulted felt it could have the effect of helping them survive, invest and grow.
“However, it must be remembered that most of the companies interviewed have alternative sites globally that they can use, and invest in, depending upon relative, competitive business environments.
“It was the unanimous view of the executives that to maximize the benefit to their businesses, the Freeport area should include the existing chemical parks of Wilton International, Seal Sands, North Tees and Billingham.
“NEPIC strongly believes that a freezone on Teesside based on a Flexible Customs Model, which protects and catalyses the growth of the Teesside process sector, will deliver against Government’s vision for innovation hubs, the boosting of global trade, the attraction of inward investment, an increase in productivity, and secure the long term success of the chemical manufacturing industry that sits at the heart of the Tees Valley.”