CV Builder
Each volunteer will be a “mentor” to a table of students, offering advice as we lead them through the compilation of a CV. The students are Year 11, so 15 to 16 years old.
Arrival between 08:00 and 08:15, please; event is 08:25 to 12:00 (We can accommodate later arrivals, if the start time is a problem for you).
Careers Ambassadors
Arrival between 08:30 and 08:45, please; event is 09:15 to 12:30.
The session will take place in the College’s Main Hall, led by BITC; volunteers will have the opportunity to introduce themselves to the students, then help them with careers-related tasks; for example, “who is a good role model?”, “what motivates you to go to work?”, “what do employers look for?”
Students are 16-18 years old.
Tuesday 11th February, 2020 (pm) Hebburn Comprehensive School, Campbell Park Road, Hebburn, NE31 2QU
Careers Fair
One year group per hour; Years 9, 10 and 11 (13 to 16 years old); each student will have a booklet – they must gather information from at least 7 “exhibitors”. Arrival from 12:30 for set up; event runs 13:00 to 16:00. Parents have also been invited.
Careers Carousel
Arrival between 08:30 and 08:45, please; sessions run from 09:10 to 12:30. Participating students are from Year 10 (14 to 15 years old). Volunteers can choose to be either Careers Speed Daters or Classroom Ambassadors.
Careers Speed Daters
Volunteers will be questioned about their jobs by small groups of students, in a sequence of short “speed dates” (approx. 7 minutes each. No prep required; the students are provided with suggested questions).
Classroom Ambassadors
Each session will be in a classroom, led by a teacher; volunteers will have the opportunity to introduce themselves to the class, then help the students with careers-related tasks, as set by their teacher; for example, ‘who is a good role model?’, ‘what motivates you to go to work?’, ‘what do employers look for?’
For more information please contact:
John.Riddell@bitc.org.uk | 07715 612398
By BWC Performance (Beyond World Class)