Representing the largest business sector in the North East of England, NEPIC has deep engagement with industry and training providers which enabled the North East to be a prime mover in the development of plans and establishment of a Process Industry National Skills Academy. But NEPIC seeks not only to promote the industry as a career choice for those leaving school and university, but also to recognise the best and brightest young people already working within it.
To recognise and celebrate the region’s young talent from within the process sector, NEPIC are pleased to once more welcome entries for the 2022 Young Achiever Awards. As always, we recognise talent across industry’s five sectors, awarding a winner under each of the following categories:
Fine & Speciality Chemicals
Commodity & Petrochemicals
Support & Supply Chain
The Young Achiever Awards are open to all employees of NEPIC member companies aged between 16 and 35. A winner from each of the five sectors will collect a trophy marking their achievements and receive a cheque for £1,000 at the NEPIC Industry Awards Celebration event held at Hardwick Hall on the evening of Friday 25 March 2022.
Applicants should write an article of no more than 750 words focusing on their career to-date and including career achievements and how the education received, and skills acquired whilst working in the industry, have helped them reach their current career point.
Please note that applicants should be under the age of 35 as of 31 December 2021.
Entries should be submitted electronically, clearly stating your name and chosen sector on the top of the document. Entries should include a completed application form and recent photograph.
Award entry now closed.