As you are most likely aware, the UK is hosting COP26 this November (1 – 12), in Glasgow. With the Presidency, the UK Government is keen to showcase businesses and organisations who have set ambitious net zero commitments by 2050 or earlier, with a credible short term action plan to achieve this.
Business action on climate is vitally important to achieving a successful summit and presidency and is an excellent opportunity to showcase businesses as global leaders in tackling climate change in the year leading up to COP26.
The global low carbon transition is inevitable and accelerating – businesses are central to this. Companies aiming for net zero already represent a combined revenue of over $11.4 trillion (equivalent to more than half of the US GDP). Now is the time for companies to ensure they are part of this.
How can I get involved?
Race to Zero Campaign
The Race to Zero campaign asks all organisations – companies, local authorities, civil society, and more – to commit to net zero by 2050. By joining this campaign, organisations show they are committed to a clean future, and allows us to show in one place the collective global momentum to net zero. We ask for businesses to join the Race to Zero as this will set you on a resilient, sustainable path, allowing you to capitalise on new tech and markets in the transition to net zero. Joining the Race to Zero sends the strongest signal to markets, supply chains, governments, and consumers that you’re committed to the transition.
You can join the Race to Zero by setting net zero targets (by 2050 at the latest) and committing to credible short term action plans that are independently verified. Committing to Science Based Targets requires companies to set credible action plans for reducing their emissions in line with what the latest climate science says is necessary to meet the goals of the Paris Agreement. We recommend you sign the Business Ambition for 1.5C pledge – this is the letter CEOs sign to join (also attached), and here are the FAQs (SMEs can access more information via the SME Climate Hub). We recommend you do this as early as possible to take advantage of events and positive engagement throughout the year.
1,465 businesses and investors so far have joined the Race to Zero.
Together for our Planet Campaign
Make your action count and inspire others to do their bit by sharing what you are doing using #TogetherForOurPlanet on all social media platforms and joining others through the Count Us In campaign. The campaign will be partnering with a diverse range of cultural, sporting, youth and local organisations and businesses to make sure they represent the best of this country’s efforts to tackle climate change. Any potential partners will be invited to join the campaign and the information is available on their website: www.ukcop26.org/TogetherForOurPlanet. Agreed partners will be able to use the campaign branding to promote events and activities. Get in touch by email: TogetherForOurPlanet@cabinetoffice.gov.uk.
Events during COP26
There are also a range of opportunities available for you to get involved and have your voice heard at COP26, through the UK Government managed spaces. Businesses, civil society, academia, trade unions, indigenous groups, and young people have the opportunity to host events, create installations, and exhibit in the exhibition space. There is currently an open Expression of Interest (EoI) process for you to submit your proposal. The deadline for responses is 17:00 GMT on Friday 5 March 2021. Further guidance and a link to the online form can be found here. A downloadable PDF guidance pack can also be found here and EoI FAQs are attached.
The UK Government would like to get as many people in the tent as possible.
With demand expected to be high for this unique opportunity, organisations are being encouraged to work together with collaborative proposals wherever possible with a focus on profiling the voices of those most impacted and on the front line of climate change.
For any questions or queries please reach out to Dehaja Senanayake at dehaja.senanayake@beis.gov.uk, Alasdair Silverman at alasdair.silverman@beis.gov.uk, or Kiaora.tolmie@beis.gov.uk.