If the SDGs had been taken more seriously earlier, do you believe the negative effects of the pandemic would be greater or lesser?
If we had done the things the SDGs suggested much earlier, would this whole situation have been avoidable?
Regarding the loss of work, loss of life, economic damage, growth of poverty, damages to productivity, effects on education – why were they not taken as seriously before the pandemic?
The reality, how I look at it, is that the pandemic will push back the poorest and least developed nations even further, whereas it will cause the least amount of damage to the most robust and resilient (see: richest) nations. The countries who were already handling the SDGs the best, and who will invest the most going forward, are typically not those who need the most support.
What do you say?
External URL: https://imveloltd.co.uk/sdg-13-climate-action-brave-new-world
By Imvelo