Webinar: Introduction to Intellectual Property
15 Jan 2025
Read more >Join Appleyard Lees and FeTu, as FeTu talk about their start-up intellectual property journey.
Our virtual discussion will focus on FeTu’s evolution as a start-up to become an Institute of Physics start-up business award winner and a growing company recognised for pioneering technology.
Jon Fenton, FeTu CEO, will be joined by Appleyard Lees patent attorney Paul Beynon and solicitor Chris Hoole.
Jon, Paul and Chris will cover topics including FeTu’s early approach to IP as a start-up, their process to develop a strong IP portfolio, and the role IP has played in FeTu’s growth.
For many start-ups, their intellectual property (IP) may be their most important asset.
There is pressure to ensure it is managed with a well thought out strategy that enables it to be leveraged commercially.
In addition, it can be a challenge to navigate the IP landscape to avoid infringing other existing rights.
In this series of virtual discussions, Appleyard Lees’ IP specialists talk to businesses that have been through their own start-up IP journey.
They will discuss issues including: how does IP fit into a product development cycle? | The value of IP to a start-up | Types of IP rights available | Weaving IP into agreements.
In part one, Appleyard Lees patent attorney Paul Beynon and solicitor Chris Hoole talk to Jon Fenton, Institute of Physics innovation award winner and CEO of FeTu, a ‘green’ innovation-driven enterprise creating carbon-reducing technologies, about how they navigated IP as a start-up and developed a strong IP portfolio that is at the heart of their business.
Read our full FeTu case study at our Greenshoots intellectual property content library.
Date: 25 February 2021
Time: 9.30-11am
External URL: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/navigating-ip-as-a-start-up-part-one-tickets-130433830097
By Appleyard Lees