Teesside firm secures £500k NPIF II funding to boost new contract win
17 Jan 2025
Read more >AXIOM’s ongoing commitment to deliver award-winning integrity management solutions, has again delivered results following successful transition of Inspection services from the previous incumbent.
px, operator across Europe and the Americas spearheading the drive in energy transition acquired Saltend Chemicals Park (SCPL) site back in 2018 from BP with a vision to develop the 370 acre-site further to create an attractive proposition to potential manufacturers. As site owners, px has a thorough understanding of successful site operations in addition to its capability to successfully manage sites owned by key operators within the energy sector.
Bringing innovation to the table and focussing on engineering solutions to deliver improved efficiency made the partnership between px and AXIOM the perfect combination to drive efficiencies in their operational processes and meet their desired objectives.
Approached by px SCPL for Inspection service support to comply with UK legislation including Pressure Systems Safety Regulations and the Control of Major Accident Hazard regulations, the site was also focused on improvements in plant uptime by identifying potential risks to reliability through routine inspection activities and subsequent maintenance.
With a rich history of working with owners and operators of high-hazard COMAH sites around the UK as their Competent Body, AXIOM were able to deliver the required Inspection and Integrity Management support. In collaboration with px, AXIOM also provided value-added solutions through completion and the review of existing Written Schemes of Examinations (WSEs) along with Inspection and Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) activities primarily delivered on-site from AXIOM’s expanding Saltend office.
With the need for innovative thinking, AXIOM’s in-house digital asset life cycle tool, the Asset Management Database (AMD) also proved pivotal. With the capability to capture all key design, inspection history and deliver data-driven integrity management assurance to the client, the AMD also aided the smooth transitioning of the Inspection programme.
Clarke Murray, Engineering and Maintenance Manager at px SCPL said, “We have been closely following AXIOM’s rapid progress in support delivered to other chemical operators and their notable strength and depth of capability to seamlessly transfer data and deliver an improved inspection programme.
Working together has been extremely comfortable as we have experienced a willingness on both sides to ensure a successful outcome. Going forward, the expectation is that AXIOM will continue to deliver support to our employees as they gain valuable knowledge and guidance from the AXIOM team.”
Peter Hunt, Commercial Director added, “We are delighted that AXIOM has again been recognised for its Inspection capabilities. This is a further example of AXIOM’s desire to support our client’s drive towards their own objectives in the delivery of an improved asset integrity management programme. Fully aligned with their vision to achieve operational excellence whilst protecting its people and the environment, AXIOM are committed to deliver ongoing support to achieve the overall goals of the px Saltend business.”
AXIOM’s strong engagement delivered by its people has clearly highlighted the business as the “partner of choice” for complete, ‘wraparound’ Asset Integrity Management support.
Naz Grogan, px Saltend Site Director commented, “Since our acquisition from BP, the Saltend site has attracted investment from many international blue-chip businesses including INEOS and Mitsubishi Chemicals with further work to attract manufacturers who are key players in the energy transition space. Improvement in efficiencies on all levels are paramount to ensure the continued success of the chemicals park. With the support of partners such as AXIOM, we are in no doubt that we will continue to do so.”
The award-winning delivery of UKAS-accredited Inspection services, backed up by a Mechanical, Materials and Process Safety specialisms is expected to grow strongly again this year as a result of client demand for AXIOM’s extensive capability to deliver effective lifecycle integrity management systems to its clients.